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Bail Bond after Arrest Under a Warrant

I, __________ (name), of __________, being brought before the District Magistrate of _______ (or as the case may be) under a warrant issued to compel my appearance to answer to the charge of _________, do hereby bind myself to attend in the Court of ______ on the _______ day of _________ nest, to answer to the said charge, and to continue so to attend until otherwise directed by the Court; and, in case of my making default herein, I bind myself to forfeit, to Government the sum of Rs. _______/-

Dated, this __________ day of ________02.


I do hereby declare myself surety for the above-named ________ of ____________, that he shall attend before _________ in the Court of __________ on the _________ day of __________ next, to answer to the charge on which he has been arrested, and shall continue so to attend until otherwise directed by the Court; and, in case of his making default therein, I bind myself to forfeit, to Government, the sum of Rs. _________/-.

Dated, this _______ day of _______02.


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Write a brief note on proclaimed offender [ R.J.S. 1991/1992 ]

  Write a brief note on proclaimed offender [ R.J.S. 1991/1992 ] A proclaimed offender can be defined as being a person who can be arrested ...