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Magistrate's Order Prohibiting the Doing of Anything on Land on Water

(See section 147 Criminal Procedure Code)

A DISPUTE having arisen concerning the right of use of (state concisely the subject of dispute) situate within my local jurisdiction, the possession of which land (or water) is claimed exclusively by (describe the person or persons), and it appears to me, on due inquiry into the same, that the said land (or water) has been open to the enjoyment of such use by the public (or if by an individual or a class of persons, describe him or them) and (if the use can be enjoyed throughout the year) that the said use has been enjoyed within three months of the institution of the said inquiry (or if the use is enjoyable only at a particular season, say, "during the last of the seasons at which the same is capable of being enjoyed");

I do order that the said (the claimant or claimants of possession) or any one in their interest, shall not take (or retain) possession of the said land (or water) to the exclusion of the enjoyment of the right of use aforesaid, until he (or they) shall obtain the decree or order of a competent Court adjudging him (or them) to be entitled to exclusive possession.

Dated, this day of,19.

(Seal of the Court) (Signature)

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